How to Get Protective Supervision
To get Protective Supervision you will need to call your social worker and ask for an “assessment for protective supervision”. This is a meeting with the social worker where you will need to provide documentation that supports the need for 24/7 monitoring of your child in order to keep him/her from harming themselves.
Before you request an assessment for PS, you will need to gather documentation that supports your child’s need for Protective Supervision.
Protective Supervision Documents
- Dangerous Behavior Log that YOU write
- SOC821 to be filled out by child’s Doctor
- IPP & CDER if you are Regional Center client
- IEP from your child’s school
- Any other documents, reports, or letters from other assessments or programs that would support your child’s need for PS.
Once you’ve gathered all your documentation call your social worker to schedule the assessment.
After the assessment you may be approved for Protective Supervision. If so, congratulations! If not, you will be denied Protective Supervision and will need to file for an appeal.
What you read above is a quick summary of what is typically involved in the process to obtain Protective Supervision. There is a vast amount of details that can be said about the assessment and each supporting document that you will need to present. Everyone’s case has unique circumstances that make it easy or harder to obtain Protective Supervision. The internet is packed with information to help you on your quest. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us. You can also join our private IHSS Advocacy Facebook Group where you can ask questions and gain knowledge from the IHSS community.
For further reading see: IHSS Nuts & Bolts
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