Do you need help with your child’s IEP?
Amster Law Firm offers full range of Special Education Representation.
The special education process can be confusing and difficult to navigate. It is important to maximize your child’s potential through the services available to you. We represent families in special education with children from 3 to 21 years of age. We can provide services to prepare you for your child’s Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan or attend the meeting with you. We can also present you through mediation and due process.
Some of the services Amster Law provides are:
- Request, Review and Analyze School Records
- Case Plan and Analysis
- Representation and advocacy at IEP meetings
- Representation and advocacy at 504 Plan meetings
- Securing services such as speech, occupational therapy, speech therapy and other needed services
- Due Process Complaint
- Compliance Complaint
- Representation at Informal Resolution Meeting and Mediation
- Due Process Hearing
- Post Resolution and Hearing Enforcement
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